
365 Day Challenges: Day 29


Lively: Poe was running under and around chairs in the living room at the time I was typing this, carrying around his little catnip toy…I just happened to catch him mid romp!

January 29- BYOB(ookworm) (Chose a different prompt)

This is the dust jacket of the book I would write if I had the time:
“‘In her stunning debut novel Caitlin tells the story of a little girl lost, and how she finds her way.’ Morgan is a quiet kid, an angry teen and a lost adult.  Dealing with a rough childhood, secrets she keeps and struggles she faces, she turns to anything and everything to make her feel something. In and out of jail, her family has completely disowned her, her friends don’t recognize her and she can’t find the path back out.  One day Morgan meets someone who will change her life forever and show her the way out of the darkness, if she’s just willing to open her eyes to the light.”