gradual changes

365 Day Challenges: Day 35

Elephant Collection- These 3 Elephants Started the collection and the woman that inspired it.

Elephant Collection- These 3 Elephants Started the collection and the woman that inspired it.


February 4- Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes

When I need to make a major change in my life I like to do it incrementally.  Cold Turkey seems like a harsh thing to do in my opinion.  Perhaps major things need to be done cold turkey sometimes, but it doesn’t hurt to ease into things.  I think the most major decision I’ve made recently was where to move, we were planning on moving in the same area, where it was convenient for both of us. We looked at several places before we decided to move to where we currently live.   We both had this place in mind, but before we took a look at it, we checked out several other places.  And sure there were better apartments for far more money, but this place is great and I’m glad we made the choice AFTER weighing all the options.   Then when we were moving, I got the keys early to set up the place.  I still have two rooms to paint and plenty of DIY projects to make this place feel like home.  But, we didn’t just jump at the first place we saw, we eased into our decision as I’ve done for most other decisions.  Another example? Switching majors in college.  I did it gradually, taking classes in both majors until I felt comfortable completely changing over.