think global act local

365 Day Challenges: Day 33

Stamps- I got these super cute stamps for crafting!

Stamps- I got these super cute stamps for crafting!

February 2- Think Global, Act Local

I guess a really huge deal in the world right now is same sex marriage bad equality.  I mean the Olympics start soon in a country where homosexuality isn’t exactly welcomed with open arms. And they’re not the only country opposed to it, (although they haven’t necessarily compared homosexuals to pedophiles, like Putin).  Here in the US we are starting to be more accepting of it, and are welcoming the idea of same sex marriage, again not EVERYONE welcomes it, but in many states the ability to marry your same sex partner is there.  However, here in Wisconsin we don’t yet have those rights, but I hope someday we too can have the same rights.  I’m not gay myself, but plenty of my friends awe, and someday I’d like to see them married as well.  Gay marriage is not some abomination, it won’t ruin the marriage between you and your heterosexual spouse, it in fact shouldn’t even bother you.  Everyone should have the ability to love who they love.  You should be able to share a commitment of that love no matter who you are! So someday soon I hope that Wisconsin steps on the progressive train and allows for all to be equal.